New to Gravelbourg?

Thank you for choosing Gravelbourg!
New Resident Resources
Waste, Water & Sewer
The Town of Gravelbourg administers water, sewer and garbage services. Please inquire to the Town Office to get these services setup or visit the Utilities & Services page to learn more.
Contact the Town Office at (306) 648-3301
Contact SaskPower at 1-888-757-6937 or visit for more information.
Natrual Gas
Contact SaskEnergy at 1-800-567-8899 or visit for more information.
Telephone and Cellular Service
Contact Sasktel at 1-800-727-5835 or visit for more information.
Internet Service
Post Office
Contact the local Canada Post Office at (306) 648-2434 to set up your post office box or visit for more information.
Household Items
Shop local!
Large Appliances: Electronic Studio
Small Appliances: Styles, Electronic Studio, Red Apple
Clothing: Styles, Red Apple, Flower's Etc.
Secondhand clothing and household items:
- Pronhorn Antiques & Collectibles
- Gravelbourg Online Facebook page.
- Green Up Gravelbourg Town-wide Garage Sale (Mother's Day Weekend)
- Bon Ami Bi-Annual Garage sales (March & November)
New to Canada?
The Moose Jaw Multicultural Council is a non-profit, charitable organization that specializes in assisting newcomers transition into life in Canada. The MJMC covers the South Central area, including Gravelbourg. Call 306-693-4677 or email
Welcoming Francophone Communities: L'initiative CFA permettra à travers des activités de bâtir une communauté francophone plus accueillante et visera à développer le leadership inclusif et les opportunités économiques par et pour les nouveaux arrivants, à Gravelbourg et Moose Jaw
English Language Training in Gravelbourg
Time: 6:00-9:00 p.m. every Tuesday
Location: Ecolé Gravelbourg School, 240 1st Ave W Gravelbourg, SK
Registration: All students must pre-register for class by contacting Bula Ghosh by email or phone 306-778-5477.
Classes are free of charge. Please bring your Canadian visa document and social insurance number (SIN).