New to Gravelbourg?

Thank you for choosing Gravelbourg!
New Resident Resources
Waste, Water & Sewer
The Town of Gravelbourg administers water, sewer and garbage services. Please inquire to the Town Office to get these services setup or visit the Utilities & Services page to learn more.
Contact the Town Office at (306) 648-3301
Contact SaskPower at 1-888-757-6937 or visit for more information.
Natrual Gas
Contact SaskEnergy at 1-800-567-8899 or visit for more information.
Telephone and Cellular Service
Contact Sasktel at 1-800-727-5835 or visit for more information.
Internet Service
Post Office
Contact the local Canada Post Office at (306) 648-2434 to set up your post office box or visit for more information.
Visit the Employment Opportunity page for current posted job openings or visit the Gravelbourg Online Facebook page.
Household Items
Shop local!
Large Appliances: Electronic Studio
Small Appliances: Styles, Electronic Studio
Secondhand clothing and household items: Bon Ami Bi-Annual Garage sales, Pronhorn Antiques & Collectibles, Gravelbourg Online Facebook page.
New to Canada?
The Moose Jaw Multicultural Council is a non-profit, charitable organization that specializes in assisting newcomers transition into life in Canada. The MJMC covers the South Central area, including Gravelbourg. Call 306-693-4677 or email
English Language Training in Gravelbourg
Time: 6:00-9:00 p.m. every Tuesday
Location: Ecolé Gravelbourg School, 240 1st Ave W Gravelbourg, SK
Registration: All students must pre-register for class by contacting Bula Ghosh by email or phone 306-778-5477.
Classes are free of charge. Please bring your Canadian visa document and social insurance number (SIN).